Live Events

Bootcamp: AI for Learning

11 June

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Bootcamp: AI for Learning

On the 11th of June we held a highly anticipated AI for Learning Bootcamp with leading experts John Kilroy and Luana Raggi.

The session was kicked off by examining a real-world scenario followed by several AI tools demonstrated to illustrate their potential in course design and delivery

The recording of the event is now available to view through the button below.

Watch now

Key Takeaways:

  • Integration of AI in Learning Design: Emphasis on embedding AI tools within existing learning design processes to enhance efficiency and creativity.

  • Focus on Standards and Principles: Reinforcement of the importance of learning science principles to maintain the quality and credibility of AI-generated content.

  • Future-Proofing Skills: Encouraging learning professionals to stay updated with AI advancements and continuously refine their skills.